Breastfeeding Top Tips

Are you interested in breastfeeding your new little one? 

Breastfeeding tips

 Breastfeeding is a crucial aspect of early motherhood that can be both a joyous and challenging experience. Many new mothers worry about their milk supply and whether their baby is getting enough nutrition. To help ease some of these concerns, experts recommend following some simple tips.

Top tip for establishing your milk supply.  

First and foremost, it is essential to nurse your baby often. Newborns should be fed on demand and about every 2-3 hours. Cluster feeding is normal and common in newborns. By nursing frequently, you are helping to stimulate milk production and ensure that your baby gets the nutrition they need.

It is also crucial to ensure that your baby has a deep latch. Breastfeeding should not be painful; if it is, your baby's latch may not be deep enough. This can cause discomfort and damage to your nipple. If you're experiencing pain, consult with a lactation consultant or other healthcare provider for assistance.

 Skin-to-skin contact is also vital for both you and your baby. Spending time with your baby skin-to-skin helps to calm and relax both of you. Being close to you encourages your baby's desire to breastfeed. If your baby is having difficulty calming down, try skin-to-skin contact first.

As a new mother, it's important to ask for help. Enlisting support from family and friends can reduce stress in the early days postpartum. Many cultures refer to this time as “The First Forty Days” which are important for rest, recovery, and bonding.   Instead of visitors during this period, encourage people to drop off a meal or help with tasks around the house.  

While allowing your baby to sleep is essential, waking them up may be necessary during the first few weeks postpartum to ensure they are consuming enough calories. Newborns need to gain approximately 20-30 grams daily, so undressing your baby, tickling their toes, and talking to them can help wake them up enough to have a good feed. 

Avoiding the bottle or pacifier until you and your baby have learned how to breastfeed is also crucial. Introducing a bottle too early can make breastfeeding difficult for your baby.

Additionally, unless it is medically necessary try not to supplement with formula, as this might decrease your milk supply.  

Pick a new TV program to love!  This is a great time to relax at home with the baby.  When else do we have the time to watch TV?

Lastly, keep healthy snacks stocked in your house. High-fiber and high-protein snacks are an excellent choice as they digest slower and keep you fuller for longer. Remember, two signs that your baby is getting sufficient milk are if they have an adequate number of nappies and are gaining weight.

The first few weeks with a new baby are an important bonding time for the new family. It's a momentous transition, and by following these tips, you can help ensure a smooth breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby.


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